A Long Time in the Making

About 6 months ago I started down this preserving path. Turning it from something I did for friends for Christmas gifts into something just a little bit more serious. I still don't know where it will lead, but everytime I go into the kitchen, whether it is on a Saturday morning bright and early when my body wishes I could have stayed in bed for a few more hours or in the evening after what has already been a long day at work - I find myself energized and excited.

This morning was no exception. When my alarm went off I groaned and rolled over wanting to keep sleeping but then I remembered that I was going to the kitchen. That this would be where I would be spending my morning.

And on top of that...that today would be the first time I would be using my new jars. Not only did I finally get my order of nice new jars from Richard's Packaging, I had also gotten a new size jar, a nice small jar perfect for sample sizes.

I got right to work making Ginger Jelly and then Apple Early Grey Jelly. I spend hours in the kitchen mixing, stirring, boiling, sterilizing, ladling, and pretty much smiling my face off.

Once I was done I rushed home. I wanted to see how my BRAND NEW PACKAGING would look and I have to say I love it. I can't wait to get back in and make tomato basil jam because these new jars look damn sexy!


Justin Hill made me cry


Pickled Chicken Feet